Last weekend the kids, my mom and I were graced with a special visitor from Washington! My best friend since the tenth grade came to see us! The kids and I had a great time with Aunt Candace. We carved pumpkins and played many fun games! The kids both had games so they got to show Aunt Candace their soccer skills. Lawson is getting over the flu, poor guy had a 102 fever when I took him to the doctor Wednesday. Lawson and I got to stay home together all week and work on getting him better. He was prescribed Tamiflu, what a miracle drug that is. If you catch the flu early on and take this medicine it can alleviate the flu symptoms within a day. Britain had her last soccer game on Saturday and Lawson had his annual cub scout camp out. He got to go for the day but missed ot on the camping since it was a little too soon from his flu recovery. Our kitty Sasha is now officially an outdoor cat. As Britain told my mother "She broke the rules. She got three chances and she broke the rules." She has made some kitty friends and taken over our porch as her new palace. Lawson and I had a blast at his annual school carnival, the husky hoedown. There was a train ride, cotton candy and many fun games for all!
Both of the kids are in soccer and enjoying every game. Lawson is in cubscouts again and is now a wolf. Britain started pre K at Coleman's Childrens Academy and loves it. She has had the same boyfriend named Caleb for over a year. Such a funny girl. Lawson has NO INTEREST in girls, he would rather play his Nintendo DS game and catch Pokemon. I made him a Pikachu cake for his 7th birthday, it was quite the hit. Britain is still taking gymnastics at Durhams and is working on mastering a cartwheel. The kids and I got the Halloween decorations out a few weeks ago. OH WHAT FUN Halloween will be! The other day I asked Lawson what he wanted in his lunch and he replied "you mommy." He is such a jokester. He is enjoying first grade with Ms. Williamson. He is quite the classroom helper. I am so very proud and lucky to be their mother!