Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall Update

Both of the kids are in soccer and enjoying every game. Lawson is in cubscouts again and is now a wolf. Britain started pre K at Coleman's Childrens Academy and loves it. She has had the same boyfriend named Caleb for over a year. Such a funny girl. Lawson has NO INTEREST in girls, he would rather play his Nintendo DS game and catch Pokemon. I made him a Pikachu cake for his 7th birthday, it was quite the hit. Britain is still taking gymnastics at Durhams and is working on mastering a cartwheel. The kids and I got the Halloween decorations out a few weeks ago. OH WHAT FUN Halloween will be! The other day I asked Lawson what he wanted in his lunch and he replied "you mommy." He is such a jokester. He is enjoying first grade with Ms. Williamson. He is quite the classroom helper. I am so very proud and lucky to be their mother!

1 comment:

The Greenwell's said...

yay for update!! I can't believe your kids are in preK and 1st grade...your kids make ME feel old LOL!!!!

I want to check in at the end of the month and see pictures of costumes!!!